The Latvian meteorite has appeared PR action of the operator of mobile communication

The Latvian company-operator of mobile communication Tele2 admitted on Monday what exactly it has started in mass-media "duck" in the form of the meteorite which ostensibly has fallen the day before in vicinities of the city of Mazsalatsa. As the director for marketing Tele2 of Janis Sprogis has informed at press conference, the purpose of this action was to instal optimism in the Latvian society and to prove that the country within only days can become ньюсмейкером in the world not only in category of news about crisis, but also from positions something unusual and positive.

"Certainly, there are people to whom it is pleasant, and - it is not pleasant to someone", - quotes its "Interfax". Спрогис has added that if it wasn't pleasant to someone, he is sorry. He also has declared that all expenses of the state in this connection will be compensated by case. "All of us compensate, state money here истрачены won't be, I can guarantee it", - he has underlined.

The recognition of Janisa Sprogisa to agency LETA has followed right after statements of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Linda Murnietse who has promised that falling of meteorite responsible for performance in Latvia will be punished, adds RIA Novosti news agency. "For such jokes it is necessary to answer", - has told the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Having learnt about recognition Tele2, she has named all happened mockery at people and security services. "We already count up истраченные money. Unfortunately, money can't compensate that fact that Tele2 has made mockery at people and our services", - has told the minister to agency BNS.

Мурниеце has added that the question on criminal trial concerning the happened is within the competence of police. The head of the Valmiersky site of state police Andris Shtejmaks has evaded the question BNS, whether there will be begun investigation. He has noticed that in the beginning it is necessary to wait the conclusions of all experts, and only then to make the decision.

From the services involved in incident while only State fire-life-saving service (ГПСС) specifies in the possible losses. Watch of one tanker - for example, during start of fireworks, - manages in 100 латов. At funnel in Mazsalatse within nine hours three tankers were on duty. Thus, participation in salvage operations has managed ГПСС approximately in 2000 латов, has informed agency BNS the representative of service Inga Vetere, having noticed that this data informal.

The state police and National armed forces have informed agency BNS that at them losses or haven't arisen, or they will be counted up only in case such calculations will be requested of them.

As it was informed, on Sunday evening in Mazsalatse the funnel which, under the initial version, the object which has fallen from the sky could leave has been found out. The head of department of the earth of the Latvian centre of environment, geology and meteorology of Uldis Nulle has assumed on Monday, what is it, in its opinion, there was meteorite.

However, astronomers even have stated doubts about it as meteorites after falling on the earth usually stop burning in the morning. On removed by eyewitnesses of video it is possible to see hole at which bottom the unstated substance continued to burn.

In second half of day on Monday both the Latvian geologists, and their Estonian colleagues from Tartusky university have concluded that the meteorite in vicinities of Mazsalatsy didn't fall, and the found out funnel people, most likely, have dug, and then have blown up in it sulfuric saltpeter.

Situation had time to use in commercial objectives: the owner of land where there is funnel, collects on one лату (about two US dollars) from interested persons to examine this place. Tickets even have been registered in Service of public revenues.


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12 коммент.:


27 октября 2009 г. в 17:26

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28 октября 2009 г. в 17:06

Yes, you can feel free to quote from and link to my blog. All best -
Gregg Hurwitz


29 октября 2009 г. в 03:51

hi from berkeley! sure i'd be honored :)


29 октября 2009 г. в 06:46

Этот комментарий был удален автором.

29 октября 2009 г. в 06:48

Hi! You left a comment on site ( asking about using one of my posts with a link back to me. Sure, go ahead!


29 октября 2009 г. в 07:26

That is so cool that they found this meteorite. I would love to find one of those.

I have something for you at my site so come and see.

Love and Blessings,


30 октября 2009 г. в 04:38

Hey, sorry I didn't get your comment till just now. And yes, you may quote me. Thanks!



30 октября 2009 г. в 23:33

of course you may quote me. In the future you need not ask.


31 октября 2009 г. в 19:57

Hello, thanks for the polite comment on my blog. Sure go ahead but please link back. Thanks.


2 ноября 2009 г. в 14:17

hello, I have posted a comment into my blog ( Well sorry I am late but yes you can freely quote my posts if you want if you put a link back into it. =D

Gilson Doi Junior


2 ноября 2009 г. в 19:48

Hello from

Yes you can quote and link to us. :)


3 ноября 2009 г. в 05:32

Sure you can quote a post in your blog with the link to me.

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