The standardised Central European system of classification of hotels – already on the way

Since 2010, the system of licensing of hotels and system of classification of hotels will be changed according to the European Union legislation. EU aspires to facilitate work of the enterprises co-operating with places by placings/hotels, and plans to create more strict criteria for hotels for consumer protection.

According to new legislative decisions of the Hungarian Government will be introduced some changes to hotels; it will be authorised to them to appropriate a category only at the coordination with Association of Hotels of Hungary and reception of the permission from Association, at which in turn the agreement with Municipality, local authorities (depending on a hotel site on territory of the country). Madam Andrea Kopochi (Andrea Kopócsy), the president of Association of Hotels of Hungary, has told that offers on the given innovations have arrived from German and Austrian hotel associations. They have suggested to accept their systems of classification, the Czech hotels in turn too have joined the given initiative.

Thus, Austria, Germany, Czechia and Hungary have together generated the Central European system and the standardised criteria for systems of classification of separately taken hotel. Negotiations are already conducted, and with the international partners, and with the self-management Ministry (in the Russian Federation analogue - the Ministry of regional development).

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12 коммент.:


21 октября 2009 г. в 12:04

In reply to your comment on my blog.. what would you like to quote from my blog?


21 октября 2009 г. в 12:08

At you a lot of interesting material.

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21 октября 2009 г. в 12:09

same with me... what do you want to quote too? my blog is


21 октября 2009 г. в 23:37

Glad to know about your blog. You are welcome to quote anything from my blog. A link would be great. Thanks for asking.


22 октября 2009 г. в 08:40

Hi, just replying to your comment on my blog - can you please tell me what part you want to quote? also, the new url to link to is


22 октября 2009 г. в 09:07

same issue, (LOL)


22 октября 2009 г. в 09:45

nice post,,,
You can quote a post from my website, with the link to me of course.


Electric Soul Patrol Team


22 октября 2009 г. в 12:00


Of course, what is is about ?=)


22 октября 2009 г. в 16:01

I'm admin of
You can public my post on your blog


22 октября 2009 г. в 18:31

you may quote from my blog, but please state clearly it is from my blog


22 октября 2009 г. в 19:12

In Regards to Your comment On Our Post

"Hello from Russia!
Can I quote a post in your blog with the link to you?"

Yes, as long as you aren't copying the entire post, and you include a link back to the post, it's fine to quote whatever you want.



24 октября 2009 г. в 09:04

Ditto Jogn’s reply to your request to quote from my blog. What on Earth are you up to anyway?